Tuesday, December 18, 2007

we are almost ready for christmas!

So, we now have a tree up, I have completed my 1st round of baking, we have a family photo for our Christmas cards (they should go out tomorrow), and most of the shopping is done. I still need something for my mom, but she gives no hints (and I have to work for it)!! I still have to run a few errands this week, and I will do a big grocery trip on Friday (while Brittney watches the kids). Timothy is out on winter break (UNTIL JANUARY 7th....YIKES). I might need some therapy on January 8th. We'll see! Hope that everyone is enjoying the pre-Christmas season.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Late Christmas set up!

So, we are more than a week past Thanksgiving, and we still haven't purchased a tree or pulled out the Christmas dishes. We HAVE set up the Christmas Village on top of the Entertainment Center (WAY UP FROM LITTLE HANDS). We also have a poinsettia on the mantle thanks to Lisa Drury's dogs (they want to eat them)!!! We do have plans to really get the stuff out on Friday night. I'm ready because it will feel a little more like Christmas, and I will be more ready to open presents on the 15th with Papa and Grandma Surburg! I'll put a few pictures up that show all of the interest and help from the kids as we pulled out the houses, trees and people for the Department 56 Christmas Village!