Friday, April 18, 2008

The colic,reflux and or allergy may kill us!

So, Michael has decided to follow in his siblings footsteps! He is FUSSY and has so many more symptoms to add, so we went to see the Pediatrician today. He is now on Zantac and we can try the Nutramigen formula (they gave us a couple of sample cans). I want to try the medicine and continue to nurse while watching my dairy intake. So, we'll see......but with 3 other kids, this is quite a challenge!! Well, I will share some photos from this week, and as someone said, God makes them cute because they're sooooo much work! Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yes, we've updated the title!

So, in honor of our new addition, I have changed the name of this blog to Surburg Six....a little catchy, if I do say so myself. Anyway, I also updated my bio!

It's been a different kind of day. Michael got fussy in the afternoon, but it has been a peaceful and quiet evening.........we'll see what the night brings. Our life with a newborn is just so unpredictable!!

I'll post some more photos tomorrow!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I don't know what I did to the photo!

So, I attempted to move the photo of Michael and it just distorted the photo, so here it is in its natural form!

Michael at 2 1/2 weeks

Yes, I know that I just posted his initial photos, but I have actually taken a few photos in the last 3 days. So, here is our growing boy! I think he will be soooo much happier when he can participate in the chaos with the 3 older kids! Right now, he just gets fussy when things get crazy and he's overstimulated! I'll try and keep posting in the weeks to come!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Late Michael Post

So, it's been a little crazy around here with a new baby and all, but for those of you who do not know, Michael Paul Surburg was born at 8:01 am on March 25, 2008. He weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and was 21 inches long. He came out with a head full of dark brown hair (we wouldn't have believed he was ours if Mark hadn't seen him come out)! We are in that just getting by stage and all of our help has gone home. No really, we are doing all right most of the time, but an occasional fit from Matthew or Abby is the hardest part. Timothy never had issues with the twins, so this is all new to us! So, here are some photos from his first 2 weeks!