Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Michael at 11 1/2 weeks

Here are some of the latest photos of Michael. He is a little chubber! He is smiling more and more and cooing all of the time. I'm ready for sitting up, but I'll never be ready to have #4 mobile :)!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Photo Shoot

Well, I shared my favorite photo with you in the last post (and it's the last in this post), but I am going to share a few of the funny ones with you! Again, thank you to Uncle Mikey for the cute matching stripes!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

2nd party and cute matching outfits

Papa and Grandma Surburg were here for the weekend to celebrate the twins' 3rd birthday. We had Grandma Surburg's chocolate cake with chocolate frosting :)! And yes, there is a picture of Matthew blowing out candles after it was already cut and served....it's a Mathhew and/or twin thing! They loved their presents, but the biggest hit was Abby's Dora purse! She takes it everywhere she goes!!! Thanks to Uncle Mikey who picked up all of the matching clothing....they look so cute!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm the mom of 3 year old twins!

I'm so happy that my darlings are 3! They are now potty trained :)! We had a great birthday party with Grandma B, Uncle Mikey and the Drury family. It was a Dora and Diego party along with Dora and Diego toys!