Friday, September 26, 2008

Michael at 6 months

Well, it's yet another month that Michael has been with us! In honor of his 6 month bday, I am going to give yet another funfilled list of what the big boy is doing + add a couple recent photos

At 6 months, Michael is:

  • sitting unassisted (YEAH!)

  • creeping along in the living room

  • rolling anywhere he wants to go

  • eating baby cereals + other various pureed fruits and veggies

  • smiling all of the time!

  • making gutteral (sp?) sounds

  • playing with toys and squealing in delight

  • attempting to catch anyone and everyones attention

  • sleeping more regularly for 1-2 hours in the morning and afternoon

  • sleeping until 4 am or later MOST days
  • he's a BIG guy, 19 + pounds

Thursday, September 11, 2008

organization fun

So, I woke up with a great desire to get out Fall clothing and put away most of the Summer stuff. I am just tired of looking at shorts and shirts! I did put a number of summer dresses and outfits in the closet for those warm Fall days. I am most proud of Abby's armoire, so here is a photo of my morning clothing switch & organization + a photo of Abby holding Michael (by her request). Enjoy!

Monday, September 1, 2008

a new group shot!

We were invited to a church members house after church, so the kiddos stayed in their church clothes during late service (we go early). As they were playing, I had them all lean against the wall and grab the baby, and this is the latest group shot! Everyone matched EXCEPT Michael because he was already on outfit #2 or possibly #3. Have a great rest of Labor Day!