Thursday, October 30, 2008

photos for Uncle Mikey!

Here are some photos of your lovely nephews and niece. They were having a hard time staying focused on the camera because they were ready to go to a bday party.

Michael at 7 months

This is going to be brief because this mommy is SUPER tired from work and not sleeping at night (thanks to the little guy). At 7 months, Michael is:
  • crawling all over the house

  • attempting to stand up when possible

  • eating baby food and looking at anything that he might possibly feed himself (but not usually putting it in his mouth)

  • loving all of his musical toys

  • not sleeping well at night.....he really likes to wake up around 4 am (if anyone wants him, he's yours until he sleeps later

  • giving wet juicy kisses

  • rubbing his nose all over your shirt (not sure why)

That's the short list!