Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We can have snow in Southern Illinois!

So, after more than 24 hours of sleet/ice which left 2+ inches, we did get about 4 inches of snow on top. My kiddos are in HEAVEN! Matthew & Abby were too little to play in the snow in Chicago, and Timothy just LOVES snow. We played outside while Michael napped, and the twins headed back out this afternoon with Mark. I don't mind 4 inches of snow, but I don't need any more! Enjoy the photos! I know the far right photo is not that exciting, but Matthew was fascinated with the ice!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Michael's 1st playdate!

I've become friends with a newer member of our church, so we had our new friends over to eat lunch and play on Wednesday. They are about a month apart, but aren't they too cute together! Everyone had a good time....although Michael spit up a million times!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blog slacker

Alright, it has been over a month since I graced everyone with my presence on this blog. We have just been CRAZY busy, and I don't know if it's Christmas, 4 kids or 2 busy work schedules (well, it's probably all 4 together). We are all doing quite well although Michael continues to get teeth which makes him a bit cranky! I never did blog our nice visit with the other young Surburg family, our wonderful early Christmas with Michael & my Mom and then, our Christmas visit from my Mother and Father in Law! I will do a bit of a photo replay! Enjoy!