Saturday, April 25, 2009

family onesie

Michael is wearing the black dog onesie from Martha's Vineyard. This onesie was purchased by Papa & Grandma Surburg when Timothy was a baby and each boy has worn it. I love the fact that he is so droopy in the diaper area! He is my little character!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Summer weather in April

Everyone is excited for the warm weather & shorts. We were just ready to go to school when Matthew asked to take a picture in his new hippo shirt & shorts!

I'm also adding one of the littlest guy in one of my favorite rompers. I am a big fan of turtles & love green on Michael. He's so funny in his sandals....they are the first real shoes with soles and he picks up his feet with each step.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Eggs, hunts & haircuts!

Happy Easter to everyone. It has been a very good Easter Sunday! We started with Easter breakfast, followed by the egg hunt during the late part of Sunday School, had an egg hunt at home and a nice Easter dinner with the Nelsons! We tend to be alone on Easter, so we invited Dr and Mrs Nelson (the kids' favorite "special" grandparents). Last Easter, I was so ready to have a baby and this year, I have a toddling 1 year old (what a difference a year makes)!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My sweet girl!

I know that I may change my tune as she gets older, but she's sure at a good stage right now. It also helps that her brothers have been quite crazy and defiant at times. Abby is both helpful and appreciative. She is after all the "little mother." We took a few photos in her new dress from Grandma Surburg, so I'll post my silly little darling! And yes, she has her broken tiara on instead of her red headband!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Michael is 1 year + 1 week

So, I didn't quite get a post done on Michael's real bday, so here is his 1 year and 1 week bday. He is ALL boy and completely mobile! While we didn't plan to have a 4th, he is a joy in our world. I can just eat this little guy up when he's walking around and gives you a smile and giggle. He really just moves all around from toy to toy and likes to check out everything that his brothers and sister are doing at all times. He currently has a few marks on his noggin and a scrape on his nose from early walking falls. They are just the first of many! :)