Wednesday, January 30, 2008

2 little pumpkins jumping on the bed!

This photo was taken as we moved Timothy into Matthew's room. I was cleaning out Matthew's closet and found the pumpkin hats from Grandma Surburg, and they instantly became a hit! So, here are the 2 little pumpkins loving the hats and each other. Everyone should have twins to experience the bond!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Years Eve with the Surburgs

This is going to be mainly a photo post. We had a nice New Years with the entire Surburg family. The kids had an early party with hats and noise makers after dinner & the adults made it until 12:00 to see the ball drop in New York. I BARELY made it!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A second attempt at a Christmas Post!

Alright, I have been told that my blog is not up to date, so this is for you, Mark! We had a good Christmas with a visit from Mark's parents December 15-16 (see individual photos with gifts), and my mom and my brother here from December 22nd- ?? (the cute matching outfits were from Grandma B.). The kids were spoiled with too many gifts, but they are having a blast playing with new toys (it gives this pregnant mom a little break!). We did have a little excitement that included a visit from Marion Lifeline for a low bloodsugar & a sad, unexpected doggy death...Gussy died on Christmas Eve after being sick for 12 days. It was hard and sad for everyone, but it was especially tough for Timothy (it was his only sibling for 4 years of his life).

I will try and post some New Years photos too in the next day or so!

A late Christmas Post!