Sunday, March 25, 2007

Georgeous Sunday!

Here we are on another Sunday evening. Now, Sunday evening means the night before work. Not a bad thing, just something new again. I will be back at work at 7 am and home around 6 pm. That's a long time for the clan to go, but I will move to 12 hours when I complete orientation. Anyway, I love my job. I think it will be a great place to work.

We attempted a photo session. You can see how successful I, it was Matthew that wouldn't cooperate at all with Abby at a close second. I did get some good random photos, that I did not publish. I am just happy that I was able to download.

New in Surburg news, "The binkies are for sleeping only....Abby is NOT happy. Matthew really doesn't care much either way. Timothy had a GREAT report card....I still don't get it. You ask for feedback....hear every little thing and think he's doing card is good. He did have a few "exceeds expectations" this time...VERY GOOD.
To everyone, have a great beginning of the week.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Good Photos!

It's a great day....the weather is BEAUTIFUL, the photo session was as good as can be expected with 21 month old twins and everyone is sleeping.

I'm ready to start working on one week boutique tags for the sale. Actually getting things out is not a big deal, but tagging and having the sizes all organized is the major pain for me. I am sooooooo excited to get these clothes and toys out, pass on good items, make some money and enjoy the space.

So, after my frustrated evening, last night, I am in a good place at 3:50 pm and I know what we're having for dinner. It can only get better. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Feeling a little overwhelmed tonight and I think it all stems from my 6 am wake up to exercise. I really need to keep good on my promise to exercise and it's best 1st thing in the morning. Anyway, I now have 2-21 month olds in bed and the almost 6 year old is soooooooooo close. I will then plant myself on the couch or in my bed and relax....& then go to bed early.

We are going to attempt photos at JCPenney in the morning. I really have no idea if they will cooperate. So, I'll let you all know how that goes.

I am not going to write much because it didn't post on Sunday after writing a novel. So, that is all. I will attempt to attach a recent photo of the twins.