Sunday, March 25, 2007

Georgeous Sunday!

Here we are on another Sunday evening. Now, Sunday evening means the night before work. Not a bad thing, just something new again. I will be back at work at 7 am and home around 6 pm. That's a long time for the clan to go, but I will move to 12 hours when I complete orientation. Anyway, I love my job. I think it will be a great place to work.

We attempted a photo session. You can see how successful I, it was Matthew that wouldn't cooperate at all with Abby at a close second. I did get some good random photos, that I did not publish. I am just happy that I was able to download.

New in Surburg news, "The binkies are for sleeping only....Abby is NOT happy. Matthew really doesn't care much either way. Timothy had a GREAT report card....I still don't get it. You ask for feedback....hear every little thing and think he's doing card is good. He did have a few "exceeds expectations" this time...VERY GOOD.
To everyone, have a great beginning of the week.

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