Monday, April 9, 2007

April Update!

This photo of the twins is VERY blurry, but they are hugging each other and I can't wait to blackmail them with it later in life. They are the best of friends and also the worst of enemies from minute to minute, but wait until they're 16. They'll die with these photos. If I can just get one without movement. I failed to mention that Abby is wearing Thomas the Tank PJs. I bought a 2 pair set for Matthew and she insists on wearing the other set. Too funny!

The other is an Easter shot. Everyone was dressed in cute matching clothes, and yet, the photos are HORRIBLE. No one would sit still, Timothy insisted on combing his own hair that had been soaked with water and is in NEED of a major haircut. So, I will put these in the archives and go with it.

In Surburg news, Timothy is back to school after Easter break. He has been great at school and avoiding trouble even when his good buddy is misbehaving. YEAH! He is reading and doing very well in school. He does continue to chase Matthew & Abby around our house which drives me CRAZY. Speaking of the dynamic duo...they are binky free except at bedtime. I hope to make it all of the time in the next couple months. They are speaking more and more and love to readbooks with mom. They are a trip together and find fun in the littlest things.
I continue to work and am enjoying my time away from home. It's nice to work, get paid and get away. Mark is happy to be finished with Holy Week...that's the worst week of the year for a Pastor. I did manage to be very generous and share my cold with him on Easter Sunday..he's not too happy with my generosity.

That's enough for now, take care!

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