Monday, June 4, 2007

Look who's 2 x 2

Well, it's official! Matthew & Abby are 2 years old. They had a great bday with Uncle Mikey here visiting, and then, they had a party with the Surburg family. They really got some great presents.... a kitchen, a bubble machine, a slide, a Tiki Soker, a sand & water table, a new ride on police car & other more individual items. We are so blessed to have them and while they are work, they have just added more love to our family. I love Matthew's smile and Abby is my little snuggle bug. On their actual birthday, Timothy told me how much he loves Matthew & Abby. Sometimes I feel sorry for him and the lack of attention he gets, but I think he loves our crazy family too. Enjoy the photos....and yes, I made the Elmo cake!

1 comment:

Sara said...

you TOTAL overachiever!! :)