Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My little Indy...

Well, Uncle Mike is here visiting, and he actually arrived on the opening day of the new Indiana Jones movie. So, Uncle Mike decided to provide Timothy with the full Indiana Jones outfit that he always wanted as a kid! My Timothy doesn't know how lucky he is to have Michael as an Uncle! Anyway, this is just minuted after getting the outfit and other items....his smile says it all!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Well, admittedly, this has not been my best or favorite Mother's Day. I only had 4 1/2 hours of sleep, last night, and the kids are still in transition from Michael's arrival. I did, however, get my OWB check from the Spring sale for a nice amount + an anonymous individual from church gave me a sweet card with a money gift + I got the cutest handmade gifts from Timothy + a card from Mark and another from the kiddos. All in all, the day is ending on a better note than it started on for me! I did get some cute photos of Michael (almost 7 weeks), and I will upload a few! Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, MIL & all other Moms out there!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

we're still here!

Yes, it's been awhile! We are attempting to make it through the day without too much drama,and some days are good and others come to an end! Michael does seem to be better with his Zantac and low dairy intake, but he still is a bit colicky in the evening. We are getting better at planning for and handling fussy moments. The 3 oldest still love their baby brother, and this is VERY good! I spent the afternoon snapping photos of the 3 youngest. I LOVE the photo of the twins (Abby is so much taller and they don't look a thing alike)! I will attempt to blog more in the days to come.

we're still here!