Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Well, admittedly, this has not been my best or favorite Mother's Day. I only had 4 1/2 hours of sleep, last night, and the kids are still in transition from Michael's arrival. I did, however, get my OWB check from the Spring sale for a nice amount + an anonymous individual from church gave me a sweet card with a money gift + I got the cutest handmade gifts from Timothy + a card from Mark and another from the kiddos. All in all, the day is ending on a better note than it started on for me! I did get some cute photos of Michael (almost 7 weeks), and I will upload a few! Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, MIL & all other Moms out there!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Too cute! :) Glad your day got better!