Thursday, July 24, 2008

4 months old!

So, this is now becoming Michael's milestone blog. As it says in the title, Michael is 4 months, tomorrow. I didn't realize that the last photos had him in the same outfit...even though he's #4, he does have a few outfits. :) Anyway, here is what Michael's doing at 4 months:

  • He is now sitting up in his little seat for 15-20 minute's quite a bit of work for a little guy.

  • He rolls from stomach to back regularly but has only rolled from back to stomach 1 time!

  • He will drink from a bottle (he even takes 6 ounces of formula at bedtime.

  • He's starting to take a morning and afternoon nap.

  • He sleeps until 4 am (we're ready for all night)!

  • He smiles and coos all of the time

  • He is drooling all of the time....I think 2 small teeth on the bottom will come in this month

  • He LOVES to watch his brothers and sister play around him...he's ready to join in!

I'm sure there is so much more, but that's all I can think of at this moment.

In other news, Timothy and Grandma B flew out to Portland to visit Uncle Mikey on Tuesday, and so far, everyone is having a great time! Timothy has not been on a plane since he was 3 1/2, but he did great with his flights. He gets to go out to the coast, see Mt Hood and so much more! It's great for a 7 year old with 3 small siblings. We were suppose to go to Indiana to spend time with our friends, the O'Connors & Papa & Grandma Surburg, but Matthew and Abby picked up a virus at VBS. With 102 degree fevers, we made the decision to stay home and get them healthy! With the change in plans, we are trying to do as much as possible around the house!

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