Monday, December 1, 2008

Michael at 8 months....a week late!

Well, Michael has made some big changes in a month. At 8 months of age he:

  • is fully mobile in the crawling position, but it won't be long until he figures out how to walk

  • is loving cheerios and any other cereal type food that he can feed himself

  • has 2 teeth on the bottom that are growing in nicely!

  • is just the sweetest little guy (unless he is alone in bed) - see below

  • is happy moving from toy to toy on the main level and LOVES to climb stairs

  • is living in a gated community (most of the time) unless we choose to watch him climb the stairs

  • is not happy being laid down to go to sleep and usually cries with seperation

  • loves his siblings but especially his sister because she sings and entertains as needed

I'll add a few photos from our outing on Sunday to purchase the tree and during the village set up. He was so happy!

1 comment:

Sara said...

SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! Love the pics--you are such a good mommy!! :)