Saturday, March 21, 2009

Birthday Weekend

We are celebrating Timothy's 8th birthday and Michael's 1st birthday with the family. We are thankful that Uncle Matthew was willing to bring the cousins without Tante Amy and thankful that Tante Amy was willing to let them come without her (she's having preterm contractions). Also here for the party, Grandma B, Papa Trains and Grandma Surburg. We've played hard, eaten well and we're all enjoying time together. I also let Michael eat a small cake until he decided that he was done and it was a HUGE mess. Here a a few first photos.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Timothy is 8!

So, we're in bday mode here in the Surburg house. Timothy is 8 today and it was a great day. After church, we had a little photo shoot outside...just Timothy and no one else. We also opened presents, ate breakfast for dinner at Timothy's request and the twins and I mad a Yoda cake. Pictures of the cake will come tomorrow. I need to sleep and they need to be downloaded. This is just the start of the festivities because the whole family will be here to do a joint celebration for Timothy & Michael, next weekend. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Look who decided to walk!

Alright, I know he's not quite a year old, but Michael has been crawling since he was 6 1/2 months. He has finally decided to walk, but it is all on his own terms and not with assistance. He also prefers to walk when no one is giving him attention. That's my independent 11 month old! :) I also added a cute one of him grazing under the counter. Who needs a dog when you have an 11 month old???? LOL!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's been awhile

I was looking at photos on my computer and was comparing my 3 boys at age 11 months. I am in denial that Michael is almost 1 year and will no longer be a baby. While I am excited to watch him grow, he is my last baby and it is a bit sad at times. Anyway, I have posted a photo of Timothy, Matthew & Michael at 11 months for your viewing pleasure. It's funny because I totally forget how bald Timothy was until he was about 18 months, I forget how chubby and strawberry blond that Matthew was at 11 months and Michael is in desperate need of a hair cut. Also, I decided to add a sweet photo of Abby on Easter at 11 months....a photo of mother and daughter from April 2006! They are backwards in case you had a hard time identifying the boys!