Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's been awhile

I was looking at photos on my computer and was comparing my 3 boys at age 11 months. I am in denial that Michael is almost 1 year and will no longer be a baby. While I am excited to watch him grow, he is my last baby and it is a bit sad at times. Anyway, I have posted a photo of Timothy, Matthew & Michael at 11 months for your viewing pleasure. It's funny because I totally forget how bald Timothy was until he was about 18 months, I forget how chubby and strawberry blond that Matthew was at 11 months and Michael is in desperate need of a hair cut. Also, I decided to add a sweet photo of Abby on Easter at 11 months....a photo of mother and daughter from April 2006! They are backwards in case you had a hard time identifying the boys!

1 comment:

Sara said...

That is so funny! I am glad you did that--did you see Cathy Zielskie's new class at BPS? It might be right up our alley! We will talk soon! Love ya!