Wednesday, February 14, 2007

snow day...well kind of

Here we are on this cold Valentine's Day and everyone except Dad is home. School was cancelled here in Marion due to ice & snow...more the ice. In Chicago, we'd be in school but here we have Rural kids to think no school. It's kind of sad for Timothy because he really wanted to give out his Valentine's, but I'm sure they'll do the whole party thing tomorrow.
Well, we are all healthy (to update from my last post on January 24th). I always get frustrated when the scrapbook gals don't blog, but I can't do that when I can't keep updated myself.

Updates: Timothy is reading simple books but he's on his way. He is also learning things I'd rather he not, but he must grow up. Questions recently include who made God, where do babies come from, Did Jesus have brothers & sisters???? Thankfully, they were to his father. grin.

Matthew is talking more and more and starting to push...wonder where he learned that from?????

Abigail is really starting to talk in sentences but also has moments that she speaks in something that sounds like Chinese. She has mellowed a bit in the last few weeks, so I will continue to work on controlling her temper.

I'm just getting through the week because then we are off to Dville and I am going to the John Mayer concert with Sara! YIPPEE!!! Mom has graciously offered to watch the trio and Dad gets a weekend off. Oh yes, the payback will be in April when I go to Champaign/Danville for a couple of days by myself. Big Grin!!!

ps- I'm soooo excited I was able to upload photos today....Matthew & Abigail in their Valentine shirts! Too cute!

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