Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This is a Shocker!

So, my last post included my blues at the end of July. This is why.... Is it a boy or girl??? We'll find out in 15 weeks at an ultrasound. Later!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Late July blues1

So, here we are just past the middle of summer, and I find myself in a little mood slump. I don't know why, but for some reason, I want to cry and be totally uninvolved with the craziness of day to day life. I hope it gets better. So, other than my mood, I am in an EBAY week. I've listed all of my kids good clothes from last winter in the hopes of making some extra cash. I promise my next blog will be a little more upbeat.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Quest for the Truth 2007

It was a great, but tiring week......VBS 2007 was officially a success. The kids had a great time, and they did a great job with their program on Friday. I was in charge of crafts and had a good time working with the kids (thanks to my helpers). The clean up and set up was a bit much for the entire week, and I know my husband felt like Mr. Mom. I was at church every evening and he was home with the 3 kiddos (a major reverse from most weeks).
So, I will end with a few photos from the week. The first is Timothy in the "human hamster ball" (too much fun for an active 6 year old), the 1st/2nd graders + helpers painting suncatchers & Timothy doing the hand signs with the theme song (it was an Indiana Jones knock off).

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Baseball 2007

Well, Little League is over for this year. It was an interesting season (both good & bad). Timothy did quite well hitting (the ball that is), improved on fielding (especially if he would stay on his feet) & learned a few life lessons. Some of the lessons included that the umpire decides who's out (even if you don't think it's right), you strike out sometimes & keep your hands to yourself. I'll include a few photos from the last game & the little party that followed (& it included a trophy, so Timothy is SOOOOO happy).

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

The Surburg family loves the 4th of July. I always loved the 4th growing up in Danville. I would spend my day at the Country Club swimming, playing and eating ice cream (it was free all day). Then, there was a cookout which were followed by fireworks at dusk. It was fun to just be with family and friends. It was the one holiday that we were always home. Then, Mark & I choose July 5th for our wedding day, and the 4th became an even more special day. We had our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner on the 4th and were married on the 5th. We had a great 4th this year. The twins are finally old enough, so we ventured out for fireworks with threat of thunderstorms. We saw a great display at the Kof C here in Marion, and missed the storms. Everyone enjoyed them EXCEPT for Matthew (he freaked out early on & spent the whole time on a shoulder of mine or Mark's). I'll include 2 photos. We all had flag shirts on.....I had purchased red for me & blue for Mark and then, Grandma S bought red for the kids, soooooooo we all matched except for Mark. It was fun!