Saturday, July 14, 2007

Quest for the Truth 2007

It was a great, but tiring week......VBS 2007 was officially a success. The kids had a great time, and they did a great job with their program on Friday. I was in charge of crafts and had a good time working with the kids (thanks to my helpers). The clean up and set up was a bit much for the entire week, and I know my husband felt like Mr. Mom. I was at church every evening and he was home with the 3 kiddos (a major reverse from most weeks).
So, I will end with a few photos from the week. The first is Timothy in the "human hamster ball" (too much fun for an active 6 year old), the 1st/2nd graders + helpers painting suncatchers & Timothy doing the hand signs with the theme song (it was an Indiana Jones knock off).

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