Friday, August 29, 2008

The dynamic duo have made Pre-K....WOOO HOOO!

Matthew and Abby have wanted to go to Timothy's school for Pre-K since their evaluation, last March, and I had been wondering if and when they would make it off of the waiting list. Well, a few days ago, I got a call for the PALS club leader- 2 days a week for 2 hours, and I was thrilled. Then, today, I got a call from the director of the Pre-K in Marion, and there are 2 openings for Pre-K at Longfellow (Timothy's school) in the afternoon. I know you can all feel my JOY! They will go and meet the teacher on Tuesday, and they are SOOOOO excited. We'll see how it goes! Here are some photos taken today.....they wanted photos for some reason and Elmo had to be in the photos! :) And yes, Abby is much taller than Matthew!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Michael turns 5 months tomorrow!

Well, as I sit here writing, I am both happy and sad. I am soooooo happy that Michael is now a happy baby with an occasional unhappy moment. He LOVES his brothers and sister, and they can usually keep him entertained. I am sad (a little) because I see his baby days racing past, and it's harder to enjoy them with 3 bigger kids here. So, I will add to Michael's list of accomplisments from 4 months:

  • He is rolling and rolling and rolling

  • He pushes up and checks EVERYTHING out

  • He is still trying to get in his bottom can see them and he's chewing and drooling

  • He is able to focus on small objects

  • He is grabbing at anything in front of him

  • He squeals in delight at all 3 siblings and any favorite toys

  • He spends 30+ minutes at a time in his exersaucer

  • He will happily take a bottle....actually he only wants the instant gratification of a bottle unless it's the middle of the night!

  • He doesn't like any baby food...we tried and I gave up!

  • He still needs Prevacid 60mg to keep from fussing with bottles

  • He's got one of the best smiles, but it's hard to get it when I'm taking photos

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to school

Well, Timothy started 2nd grade, yesterday, and Matthew & Abby returned to Mother's Day Out (AKA school for them). They all were terribly excited, but Timothy was a bit nervous, as well. Here they are!

Timothy's fighting the brightness!

Monday, August 18, 2008

More photos from our vacation

So, we made a second stop along the way at Uncle Matthew and Tante Amy's new house in Morristown, IN. The house is beautiful and the kids love to run both in and outside. They have a total of 14 acres and half or more is wooded. That is great for everyone....especially for Timothy who always wants an adventure. I got some good shots of 5 of the 7 kids playing their own kicking game on the dirt hill + the little kids table + some quiet time (reading) !

Saturday, August 16, 2008

for those interested

I almost forgot to add this to my blog. One week boutique is coming up in September in Champaign, Il. If you are interested, go to

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Vacation 2008

We are back from our first family vacation as a family of 6. We had a great time visiting family and friends over the last week. The kids were GREAT travelers and made it with minimal whining and crying. I think this may be our hardest vacation, but everyone enjoyed the trip. Here are some photos from our lake stop.