Sunday, August 24, 2008

Michael turns 5 months tomorrow!

Well, as I sit here writing, I am both happy and sad. I am soooooo happy that Michael is now a happy baby with an occasional unhappy moment. He LOVES his brothers and sister, and they can usually keep him entertained. I am sad (a little) because I see his baby days racing past, and it's harder to enjoy them with 3 bigger kids here. So, I will add to Michael's list of accomplisments from 4 months:

  • He is rolling and rolling and rolling

  • He pushes up and checks EVERYTHING out

  • He is still trying to get in his bottom can see them and he's chewing and drooling

  • He is able to focus on small objects

  • He is grabbing at anything in front of him

  • He squeals in delight at all 3 siblings and any favorite toys

  • He spends 30+ minutes at a time in his exersaucer

  • He will happily take a bottle....actually he only wants the instant gratification of a bottle unless it's the middle of the night!

  • He doesn't like any baby food...we tried and I gave up!

  • He still needs Prevacid 60mg to keep from fussing with bottles

  • He's got one of the best smiles, but it's hard to get it when I'm taking photos

1 comment:

Sara said...

awww shucks sweet! Can't believe he is getting so big, but that means the cash register is going to CA-CHING at OWB!!