Saturday, March 21, 2009

Birthday Weekend

We are celebrating Timothy's 8th birthday and Michael's 1st birthday with the family. We are thankful that Uncle Matthew was willing to bring the cousins without Tante Amy and thankful that Tante Amy was willing to let them come without her (she's having preterm contractions). Also here for the party, Grandma B, Papa Trains and Grandma Surburg. We've played hard, eaten well and we're all enjoying time together. I also let Michael eat a small cake until he decided that he was done and it was a HUGE mess. Here a a few first photos.

1 comment:

Sara said...

What a great post!! I can't believe you let your boy eat with clothes on!! lol!! You must be getting crazy with those 4 running around you--or you are a stain stick nazi!! ;)

I updated today as well! Hope to talk to you soon! Miss you!