Tuesday, December 18, 2007

we are almost ready for christmas!

So, we now have a tree up, I have completed my 1st round of baking, we have a family photo for our Christmas cards (they should go out tomorrow), and most of the shopping is done. I still need something for my mom, but she gives no hints (and I have to work for it)!! I still have to run a few errands this week, and I will do a big grocery trip on Friday (while Brittney watches the kids). Timothy is out on winter break (UNTIL JANUARY 7th....YIKES). I might need some therapy on January 8th. We'll see! Hope that everyone is enjoying the pre-Christmas season.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Late Christmas set up!

So, we are more than a week past Thanksgiving, and we still haven't purchased a tree or pulled out the Christmas dishes. We HAVE set up the Christmas Village on top of the Entertainment Center (WAY UP FROM LITTLE HANDS). We also have a poinsettia on the mantle thanks to Lisa Drury's dogs (they want to eat them)!!! We do have plans to really get the stuff out on Friday night. I'm ready because it will feel a little more like Christmas, and I will be more ready to open presents on the 15th with Papa and Grandma Surburg! I'll put a few pictures up that show all of the interest and help from the kids as we pulled out the houses, trees and people for the Department 56 Christmas Village!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's a Boy & Fall Fun!

Well, this is OLD news for most of you, but for those of you who don't know....It's a boy! I thought it was a girl, but I was wrong. His name is going to be Michael Paul. We're excited, and I think we'll be happy it's a boy as we get into the teenage years. :)

Today was a gorgeous day in Southern Illinois, so we took advantage of the weather & raked leaves. Well, Mark raked leaves, Matthew & Abby jumped in the leaves & I supervised. Timothy has had a stomach bug, so he stayed in bed (except for 3 jumps in the leaves). I will post a photo or two.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween 2007

I attempted to take photos before Trick or Treating, but everyone was focused on the kids in the street. So, I'll post a photo and call it Halloween 2007. I don't know how I think I'm ever going to get a good photo of 4 kids if I can't take one of 3 kiddos. Oh well, I do attempt. Abby is a princess, Matthew a frog (not too hard to figure out) & Timothy is Jango Fett (sp??) from Star Wars.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pumpkins Carving 2007

We missed pumpkin carving, last year, and Timothy was not going to allow that this year. We picked out pumpkins, last evening, and this afternoon, Mark and Timothy got busy carving out the faces. I must say, Timothy was missing some original ideas, but it's done. So, the highlight was pulling the seeds out, cleaning the seeds and then, toasting the seeds.

In other news, Matthew ran a fever all day today....I think it's a reaction to his flu shot, but he was a hold me kid most of the day (he did get up for a few minutes to see what Mark & Timothy were doing).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

home from a great weekend

So, it was a great, but tiring weekend in Indianapolis. I am catching up on sleep, laundry and housework. We have been gone the last 2 weekends, and I am just behind on everything.

The weekend was full with a adult dinner to celebrate Mark's parent's 40th anniversary (a little late due to my early pregnancy issues), visiting Matthew & Amy's new construction, a train show for the grandparents, Mark and the big kids, and most importantly, the installation of our dear friend, Dan O'Connor. We are so pleased that he was called to a wonderful church, and now he is Matthew & Amy's Pastor (it's a small world in the LCMS).

I'm going to Post a few photos of the kids from the weekend. Thanks again to Matthew & Amy.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Big Girl!

Can you believe how big she looks???? My girly is growing up too fast! I was attempting to take photos of Matthew (he's behind her on the couch), but she kept walking in front of me & wanted me to take her picture. So, I ended up with this cute one..she even pulled her barrett out and her hair doesn't look too crazy! We have our moments, but I LOVE this big girl.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

we need a swing set!

So, we were at a bday party on Sunday night, and all 3 of my kids were constantly on the swing set. I really think we need one for our backyard, but we'll see what the future brings. The other highlight of the birthday party was drinking diet squirt from a can, for Abby & Matthew, that is. They spilled down their fronts, but it was the experience!

This week has been full of fatigue for this pregnant mama. I really want to move into the 2nd trimester, oh yeah, I'm there. So, maybe this is what a 35 year old feels like when she's 14 1/2 weeks pregnant (even though I have 4 more days before I get there). I just want to close my eyes, but I have 2- 2year olds that need supervision. Grandma B is coming this weekend, so I should be able to take a nap here and there. YIPPEE!!

To Sara, I have just received my purchase from Lifetime Moments...almost a year after receiving the gift....thank you! I may even have to start a new page to use the stamps or the felt thickers! SO EXCITED!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

For Sara...enjoy!

Hey Sara! These are my 4 latest. The play hard is in process, and I need to journal the grandparent love.

I hope your ankle is feeling better. Relax & follow doctor's orders.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Now you can check out Matthew's styled hair!

So, we all got haircuts on Thursday, and Matthew's bangs were cut a little too short. So, here is the newly styled hair WITH gel! Enjoy!

It's a win!

Timothy had a soccer game today, and they won 7-0. Timothy played a great game, and he was so close to scoring multiple times! He played defender and forward, and there was no sitting out this game. Matthew and Abby loved playing with a soccer ball thanks to Sebastian's mom. So, now it's a lazy Saturday afternoon. The twins were sleeping, Timothy is watching Star Wars II and the adults are catching up on anything (which is almost everything in the house). Until later!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm back!!

So, the last 6 weeks have been quite an experience. I've learned how horrible it is to be the patient, and how much I'd love to be a pregnant person without nausea & vomiting. As I've said to family/friends, I really think this baby is either something special or getting me ready for being the mom of 4 kids: ages 7, almost 3, almost 3 & a newborn (as of March 2008).

I will try and post more regularly, and add more photos now & then. I will end this post with photos of Timothy's 1st day of school (I was out of commission).

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This is a Shocker!

So, my last post included my blues at the end of July. This is why.... Is it a boy or girl??? We'll find out in 15 weeks at an ultrasound. Later!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Late July blues1

So, here we are just past the middle of summer, and I find myself in a little mood slump. I don't know why, but for some reason, I want to cry and be totally uninvolved with the craziness of day to day life. I hope it gets better. So, other than my mood, I am in an EBAY week. I've listed all of my kids good clothes from last winter in the hopes of making some extra cash. I promise my next blog will be a little more upbeat.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Quest for the Truth 2007

It was a great, but tiring week......VBS 2007 was officially a success. The kids had a great time, and they did a great job with their program on Friday. I was in charge of crafts and had a good time working with the kids (thanks to my helpers). The clean up and set up was a bit much for the entire week, and I know my husband felt like Mr. Mom. I was at church every evening and he was home with the 3 kiddos (a major reverse from most weeks).
So, I will end with a few photos from the week. The first is Timothy in the "human hamster ball" (too much fun for an active 6 year old), the 1st/2nd graders + helpers painting suncatchers & Timothy doing the hand signs with the theme song (it was an Indiana Jones knock off).

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Baseball 2007

Well, Little League is over for this year. It was an interesting season (both good & bad). Timothy did quite well hitting (the ball that is), improved on fielding (especially if he would stay on his feet) & learned a few life lessons. Some of the lessons included that the umpire decides who's out (even if you don't think it's right), you strike out sometimes & keep your hands to yourself. I'll include a few photos from the last game & the little party that followed (& it included a trophy, so Timothy is SOOOOO happy).

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

The Surburg family loves the 4th of July. I always loved the 4th growing up in Danville. I would spend my day at the Country Club swimming, playing and eating ice cream (it was free all day). Then, there was a cookout which were followed by fireworks at dusk. It was fun to just be with family and friends. It was the one holiday that we were always home. Then, Mark & I choose July 5th for our wedding day, and the 4th became an even more special day. We had our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner on the 4th and were married on the 5th. We had a great 4th this year. The twins are finally old enough, so we ventured out for fireworks with threat of thunderstorms. We saw a great display at the Kof C here in Marion, and missed the storms. Everyone enjoyed them EXCEPT for Matthew (he freaked out early on & spent the whole time on a shoulder of mine or Mark's). I'll include 2 photos. We all had flag shirts on.....I had purchased red for me & blue for Mark and then, Grandma S bought red for the kids, soooooooo we all matched except for Mark. It was fun!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

swimming memories

Well, Timothy has been taking swimming lessons for a week, and it brings back sooooo many memories from my swimming days. Today, the instructor piled up the kick boards on the edge, and I just had to take a photo. You'll also see that all 3 of my kids felt the need to lay on the same bench during the break for lightening. They really do love each other (all in all a great thing).

Back from the "big easy"

So, we're back after 5 wonderful days away. Everyone here had a GREAT time with Papa & Grandma Surburg (as expected), and we are SOOO thankful that they were willing to take over the kids, dog and house for 5 days. I will include some photos of the French Quarter and any other favorite shots. New Orleans looks mostly the same in the French Quarter but other areas still look like Katrina just hit a few months ago and not nearly 2 years ago. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

What's missing???

Well, it's a special day in the Surburg house today because.....someone lost his 1st tooth. My boy is growing up tooooo fast!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Look who's 2 x 2

Well, it's official! Matthew & Abby are 2 years old. They had a great bday with Uncle Mikey here visiting, and then, they had a party with the Surburg family. They really got some great presents.... a kitchen, a bubble machine, a slide, a Tiki Soker, a sand & water table, a new ride on police car & other more individual items. We are so blessed to have them and while they are work, they have just added more love to our family. I love Matthew's smile and Abby is my little snuggle bug. On their actual birthday, Timothy told me how much he loves Matthew & Abby. Sometimes I feel sorry for him and the lack of attention he gets, but I think he loves our crazy family too. Enjoy the photos....and yes, I made the Elmo cake!