Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 2 and I was able to get back in to post a 2nd day. This is monumental for me.
Good morning in the Surburg house. Timothy was up at 7:00 without pushing and by 7:35 he was already for school. The boys were off by 8:00.

For the twins, it was the normal ritual. I feel like we need to have a little shake up, but after a couple weeks of illness, I should just take the norm and run with it. We will be going out today for the 1st time in weeks! The twins do continue to talk more and more. Abby is regularly putting 2 words together and Matthew is beginning to catch on. I just read an article from my MIL (thanks) about twins and learning from one another. I see it more and more each day and yes, I know it seems like common sense but there was 1/2 a page article in the paper.

Today, I'm feeling really bad that I don't keep up with friends from Texas & Chicago and some from college & growing up. I am going to make an effort to work on communicating more in the future. One friend from growing up just had quints in St. Louis and I would love to see him and the babes.

Here is a last sweet vision for the day

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