Thursday, January 18, 2007

I hate January

Alright.........I have January again this year. Last year, I had sick kids the entire month and I'm following the same pattern again this yaer. Matthew woke up with some congestion (not a huge deal) and then as I felt his head, I knew he had a temperature. UGH!!!! I took his temp and it registered at 101.7........UGH again. So, we will be spending today in the house. Fun for mom.

So, I am doing laundry, straightening a bit and oh yeah, listing some more stuff on Ebay. I LOVE Ebay and am now addicted. I think I made $140 on 4 things. Love that. I will see if I can break my record (doubt it). Anyway, I am off to fold laudry load #2 while the twins sleep.

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